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AICE Use Cases

The AICE OpenLab

Status: Running.

The AICE OpenLab is a platform where partners can discuss and share AI-related resources, experiences and benchmarks.

It relies on AI4EU Experiments to provide a marketplace and visual editor to execute complex AI workflows, and also provides a Kubernetes cluster for the execution, demonstration and benchmarking of these workflows.

The first project to use the OpenLab platform is the AURA use case.

The AURA Healthcare use case

Status: Complete.

Check out the article we wrote at The AURA demonstrator

We worked with the AURA healthcare association on an ML workflow that detects epileptic seizures before they happen, based on ECGs.

  • Work with the team on the portability and industrialisation of the prototype.
  • Bring the AURA ML workflow to the AICE OpenLab marketplace to foster exchange and collaboration on their solution.
  • Provide a k8s cluster to execute resource-intensive tasks and demonstrate the workflow.

See the GitHub repository.

Eclipse Graphene

Status: Running.

Eclipse Graphene provides an extensible marketplace of reusable solutions for AI and machine learning, sourced from a variety of AI toolkits and languages that ordinary developers, who are not machine-learning experts or data scientists, can easily use to create their own applications.

Eclipse Graphene

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